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Friday, May 18, 2012

Taft Marketers Talk

About 2 months ago I was invited to a speaking engagement by the De La Salle University Graduate School called the Taft Marketers Talk. This is just a recap of what happened that day. 4 speakers were invited discussing 4 topics:

1. Trade Marketing

       My takeaway: Trade marketing is more of an art than science. Developing programs at the point of purchase to stimulate consumer spending. 

2. Direct Selling

     My takeaway: Direct Selling can help you earn two ways: being the seller or building and training a group of direct sellers. What I love about this topic was that the speaker explained how to spot legit direct selling companies.

3. Market Research

    My takeaway: questions in a market research questionnaire should be unbiased. This will make it easier to extract a more clearer consumer insight. 

4. Social Media Marketing 

     I was the one who discussed this topic. If you want to see my presentation, you can do so by going to this link

Discussion time!

With my fellow presenters, program coordinator and advertising professor

Over all it was  a good experience for me since this is my first time speaking with grad students as my audience. My experience before was mostly college level so I hope it doesn't end here and I get invited again as I gain more exposure at work.


  1. Anonymous20.10.12

    This blog is very helpful to anyone that reads it. Impressive topics and always insightful. Great job and keep up the good work!
    Consumer Market Research
