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Sunday, July 3, 2011 Website Analysis

This is our very first group presentation for our digital marketing class. The objective was to get everyone go through the process of analyzing websites through the assigned brands and its competitors. Our brand was Petron.

As a brief background, PETRON CORPORATION is the largest oil refining and marketing company in the Philippines. Supplying nearly 40% of the country’s oil requirements, our world-class products and quality services fuel the lives of millions of Filipinos. We are dedicated and passionate about our vision to be the leading provider of total customer solutions in the energy sector and its derivative businesses. This is what is currently in their about us page located here
Also, the group chose the following competitors that we believe directly compete with Petron locally and globally: Chevron, Caltex Global, Caltex Philippines, SeaOil and Flying-V.
Here's our slides for this report:

View more presentations from Nj Lopez-Tan.